


Acrylic hand painted wooden frame with colorless passé partout and offset printed reproduction. Faint glass. AVAILABILITY: Usually ships within 6-8 days.

Price: 95,82

Order #: 3415/0002-1211119

SIZE: 62 X 82 (24½-32¼”)


Acrylic hand painted wooden frame with black passé partout and offset printed reproduction. Faint glass. AVAILABILITY: Usually ships within 6-8 days.

Price: 81,26

Order #: 3436/0003-1321118

SIZE: 57 X 67 (22½X26½”)

Dali—Cygnes refletant des elephants

Acrylic hand painted wooden frame with black passé partout and offset printed reproduction. Faint glass. AVAILABILITY: Usually ships within 6-8 days.

Price: 81,26

Order #: 3436/0004-1321118

SIZE: 57 X 67 (22½X26½”)

Dali—Paysage aux papillons

Acrylic hand painted raised wooden frame with black mat. Offset printed reproduction. Faint glass. AVAILABILITY: Usually ships within 6-8 days.

Price: 38,99

Order #: 3436/0005-1421220

SIZE: 36 X 44 (14¼-17¼”)

Dali—Devenir geologique

Acrylic hand painted wooden frame with black mat inlay. Faint glass. AVAILABILITY: Usually ships within 6-8 days.

Price: 95,55

Order #: 3436/0028-1611123

SIZE: 69 X 79 (27¼ X 31”)

Dali—Il christo di St.Giovanni

Acrylic hand painted wooden frame with black passé partout and offset printed reproduction. Faint glass. AVAILABILITY: Usually ships within 6-8 days.

Price: 46,42

Order #: 3436/0026-1611102

SIZE: 42 X 51 (16½ X 20”)

Dali—A lively still life

Acrylic hand painted wooden frame with white mat inlay. AVAILABILITY: Usually ships within 6-8 days.

Price: 46,42

Order #: 3436/0024-1611102

SIZE: 42 X 51 (16½ X 20”)

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Copyright © 2003 NAMASTE Handicrafts
Last modified: 06/20/04